Thursday, January 30, 2014

Spring is Approaching-January 30th-Warmth Still Persists

I have an Anna's Hummingbird that visits Aloe a few feet from my office desk. I'm starting to log the visits. Here is a youtube and some stills. Got a call about a possible Swainson's a block from my home. It was a very nice Redtail and very cooperative. Check out the Anna's at the link below. The Anna's Hummer comes to Aloe outside my office about once an hour. Also visiting the same aloe is an adult male Costa's and a juvenile Costa's.

Yesterday at The Springs we had a surprise visit in a small puddle. A Snipe and a Pipit are sharing the puddle.

American Pipit with Wilson's Snipe
Wilson's Snipe
Wilson's Snipe

Anna's at Aloe-Through My Window


Red-tailed Hawk on Ocotillo

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sorry, It's Been Awhile-Had Fun Today at The Springs

The weather continues hot and sunny. High of 80 today. I almost feel guilty about such grand weather compared to home in Chicago. Some below 0 for the next few days. We had a pleasant walk at The Springs. The photo's today are for the past 2 weeks. More to follow as we had a great photographer with us.

Cedar Waxwing
Black Phoebe

Canada Geese

Cedar Waxwing

Northern Mockingbird

American Pipit

Another Pipit

Pipit in flight

Waxwing at palm fruit

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Continued Views of the Inca Dove-January 8, 2013

We had a nice birding day at the Roadrunner yesterday. Highlights included 10 Flickers feeding on ants on the ground, a Red-breasted Sapsucker and the Inca Dove. We were fortunate to have a patient photographer with us. The photo's today are from Ron Woodward.

Black Phoebe
Golfers, Black-crowned Heron and Wigeons
Flying Kestrel
Inca Dove
Red-breasted Sapsucker
You can see the breast on the Sapsucker

Monday, January 6, 2014

A Fine Day for Birding-January 6, 2014-1st Blog of the Year

The Borrego Birders had a fine day, collecting on the two target birds we were after. The Inca Dove was tough but did sing for everyone. Patience paid off at the end as some of the gang got good looks. Highlights of the day included the Inca Dove, Red-shouldered Hawk (see the last blog for a nice close-up), Loggerhead Shrike, 3 Robins, Ring-necked and Rudy Duck, and a Roadrunner. Through a scope it looked like the RS Hawk was eating worms.

The Elusive Inca Dove
Wigeons Coming in to the pond
Male Wigeon
Eurasian Collared Dove
White-winged Dove
High Stepping Black-crowned Night Heron